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When Honeymoon Feels Like A Cyclone (Kerry & Ryan, Durban)

Firstly, let's introduce our giveaway winner!

You'll remember that we joined forces with Ask Ashe to give away personalised location art to one lucky person. Well, Kerry Hawker was our lucky person! Yay! Kerry personalised her location art with the details of their special place, and we want to tell you about it. It turns out there's a bit of a story.. ;-)

Kidney Stones & Cyclones...

Does that sound like a Parlotones hit? Keep reading...

Ryan and Kerry got married at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Durban. It was a beautiful day, but the wedding night was more challenging than it should've been. Ryan woke up at 3am in absolute agony. They checked out of the hotel and straight into the hospital and made the untimely discovery: kidney stones. Kerry never imagined that she'd sign her new name for the first time in a hospital!

But wait, there's more...

It had started raining on their wedding night. They didn't think much of it until Ryan was discharged and they discovered that the rain was due to Cyclone Idai: one of the worst tropical cyclones on record to affect the Southern Hemisphere. After some awkward small talk, Ryan broke the news to Kerry: they were headed to Mozambique for their honeymoon!

The good news is that Ryan and Kerry ended up having the most amazing honeymoon in the remotest and most beautiful part of Mozambique, which included some kite surfing and scuba diving.

Fast forward a few years and Ryan and Kerry have been happily married for 8 years. They have two gorgeous boys, a Collie dog and a photobombing rescue dog. Kerry chose to immortalise their memorable day with location art and personalised a Landscape Poster in a design called Storm. It displays the locational information (coordinates and elevation) of the Catholic church in Durban, and now serves as the perfect conversation piece in their TV room.

Doesn't it look great?!


Browse location art pieces and personalise with your own details, without obligation. See our canvas wall art options here.



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